Director Rohit setthile new movie contract detained at the table as soon as they had done in public, Kajol also seen the same movie has been spread among vivacious. The subject's game not opened his mouth. So only said "the same movie again detained and Kajol may seem too '. Khan and Ajay detained for improving debaganako's game have done well.
Rohitakai detained due to neck and Ajay milaenan only public program, also said a polite one another. Detained and Kajol Bollywood's most romantic couples as kunaivela known. Entries have been detained more than a dozen work and Kajol were very popular among viewers. Rohit Shetty in the film is when the audience are some sasankita.
Rohit wants to use because the movie fit to full. Detained and Kajol pair could be questionable action movie that? Some viewers through social networks are beginning to express concern.
साहरुख र काजोलको जोडी दोहोरिएला ?
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