So internationally starting Kolavari Di, Gangnam Style to Nepali, Bhim Niroula - Sunday Morning Love You and Dance All Night, Sajin Maharjan's Cover songs. I've found a new song in the internet that went viral, and hit 10K views in 2 weeks. It have 16K+ views till the date July 24th, whereas last time
i saw it was in July 23rd with 10K views. Probably many people have not watched it till now, but soon you will be seeing it ever where in the internet.

That song is nothing else rather than
I Love You World New Hit Song Of famous People By Laxu Prakash Malla (Lovely ) - Dhital Films
This song got copyright infringement, this song must be awarded as a song with longest title and get award, or Guinness World Record. This song contains nothing but only says "i love you (Famous celebrities)'s name. Most of the celebrities are male, and dead. No wonder what he wanna do with that.
These days worse thing goes viral instead of good things. Good Musicians does alot of hard work for making music and getting a song ready, and it hardly get hits. But if people does something worse and funny, it automatically gets viral. Making bad music and being famous has become another trend in our community.
on: 18:03